- Mondays @ 9:30a.m. (Zoom) Book of Luke by Ada Lum Facilitator: Nadine Takahashi
- Mondays @ 7 p.m. (Zoom) Studying Parables Facilitator: Harriet Ho
- Tuesdays @ 4:30 p.m. (Higuchi Hall) Book of Exodus Facilitator: John & Sandi Bartsch
- Wednesdays @ 10 a.m. (Zoom) Thirty Discipleship Exercises featuring 30 different topics w/6 Bible verses for each lesson. Basic truth and insight to apply to Christian living. Facilitator: Elizabeth Lee
- Thursdays @ 6 p.m. (Zoom) Book John (1st, 2nd & 3rd) Facilitator: Sheri Ann Shimabukuro
- Saturdays @ 9 a.m. (Hale Mohalu One) Book of Genesis Facilitator: Molly Young
- Sundays, @ 8:30 a.m. (H102 & Nursery Rm) Studying Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren Facilitator: Babette Lareau, Leroy & Karen Ujimori
- Sundays @ 12 p.m. (Higuchi Hall) Book of Mark Facilitator: Gary Tokuda
For more information call the church office at (808) 455-4148.